Join Club DTF

Unlock exclusive savings and perks as a Club DTF member, ideal for all our amazing loyal customers ordering on the regular. Enjoy all the benefits and savings outlined below. 

How it works

Simply choose the tier that best suits your business needs and start saving now. As soon as you place your order, credits will be added to your account to use immediately. Keep ordering until you have used your credit (remembering your credit will include the bonus add on!) and top up when needed!

Terms and Conditions

Club DTF Credits are valid for 36 months from date of issue. Unused values will not be refunded or attributed to any transactions after the expiry date.

Club DTF Credit can be used to purchase DTF Transfers by Size, DTF Gang Sheets and DTF Gang Builder orders (can not be used in consumables store).

Club DTF Credit cannot be redeemed for cash, returned for a refund, have their balances consolidated to a new voucher or be replaced after expiry and are not legal tender, account cards, credit or debit cards or securities.

If your purchase exceeds the value of the gift voucher, balance must be paid by cash, debit or credit card.

DTF Direct reserves the right to make amendments to Club DTF perks and Credits as necessary without notice.